[. . . ] Register your product and get support at www. philips. com/welcome DS3801W/37 EN User manual STOP Thank you for choosing Philips. Need help fast? Read your Quick Start Guide and/or User Manual first for quick tips that make using your Philips product more enjoyable. If you have read your instructions and still need assistance, you may access our online help at www. philips. com/welcome Register online at www. philips. com/welcome today to get the very most from your purchase. 5HJLVWHULQJ \RXU PRGHO ZLWK 3+, /, 36 PDNHV \RX HOLJLEOH IRU DOO RI WKH YDOXDEOH EHQHÀWV OLVWHG EHORZVR GRQ W PLVV RXW Register online at www. philips. com/welcome to ensure: 3URGXFW 6DIHW\ 1RWLÀFDWLRQ %\ UHJLVWHULQJ \RXU SURGXFW \RX OO UHFHLYH QRWLÀFDWLRQ  GLUHFWO\ IURP WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU *Additional Benefits 5HJLVWHULQJ \RXU SURGXFW JXDUDQWHHV WKDW \RX OO UHFHLYH DOO RI WKH SULYLOHJHV WR ZKLFK \RX·UH HQWLWOHG LQFOXGLQJ VSHFLDO PRQH\ VDYLQJ RIIHUV Know these safetysymbols CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to the “family!” Dear PHILIPS product owner: 7KDQN \RX IRU \RXU FRQÀGHQFH LQ 3+, /, 36<RX·YH VHOHFWHG RQH RI WKH EHVWEXLOW EHVWEDFNHG SURGXFWV DYDLODEOH WRGD\:H·OO GR HYHU\ WKLQJ LQ RXU SRZHU WR NHHS \RX KDSS\ ZLWK \RXU SXUFKDVH IRU PDQ\ \HDUV WR FRPH $V D PHPEHU RI WKH 3+, /, 36 ´IDPLO\µ \RX·UH HQWLWOHG WR SURWHFWLRQ E\ RQH RI WKH PRVW FRPSUHKHQVLYH ZDUUDQWLHV LQ WKH LQGXVWU\ :KDW·V PRUH \RXU SXUFKDVH JXDUDQWHHV \RX·OO UHFHLYH DOO WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG VSHFLDO RIIHUV IRU ZKLFK \RX TXDOLI\ SOXV HDV\ DFFHVV WR DFFHVVRULHV IURP RXU FRQYHQLHQW KRPH VKRSSLQJ QHWZRUN 0RVW LPSRUWDQWO\ \RX FDQ FRXQW RQ RXU XQFRPSURPLVLQJ FRPPLW PHQW WR \RXU WRWDO VDWLVIDFWLRQ $OO RI WKLV LV RXU ZD\ RI VD\LQJ ZHOFRPH  DQG WKDQNV IRU LQYHVWLQJ LQ D 3+, /, 36 SURGXFW CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. This “bolt of lightning” indicates uninsulated material within your unit may cause an electrical shock. For the safety of everyone in your household, please do not remove product covering. [. . . ] Turn the unit on/off. EN 11 English List of compatible iTunes host devices for AirPlay f WI-FI SETUP button/indicator ‡ Connect the unit to a Wi-Fi network. ‡ Show the Wi-Fi connection status of the unit. 3 Prepare Always follow the instructions in this chapter in sequence. Turn DS3801W on 1 Press on the top to turn the unit on. 2 Wait for successful boot-up of the unit. » The boot-up takes about 35 seconds. Connect power Caution ‡ Risk of product damage!Make sure that the power ‡ ‡ supply voltage matches the voltage printed on the bottom of the unit. Before you connect the AC adaptor, make sure that you have completed all the other connections. » During boot-up, the Wi-Fi SETUP indicator on the back of the unit blinks green quickly. » After boot-up, if no Wi-Fi connection has been set up for DS3801W, the Wi-Fi SETUP indicator starts to blink green slowly. ‡ To turn the unit off, press again. ‡ Connect the AC power cord to ‡ the DC IN socket on the back of the unit. ‡ the wall power socket. 12 EN 4 Connect to your home WiFi network for AirPlay Before connection of DS3801W to you home Wi-Fi network, check the points below. 1 2 3 Make sure that your Wi-Fi router is powered on and working properly. Make sure that DS3801W has been powered on and booted up successfully (see ‘Turn DS3801W on’ on page 12). Identify the type of your Wi-Fi router (see the user manual of your Wi-Fi router for details). Scenario 1: Connect to a WPS router Note ‡ Before you press any button on DS3801W, make sure that DS3801W has been booted up successfully (see ‘Turn DS3801W on’ on page 12). 1 Press the WPS button on your home Wi-Fi router. To connect DS3801W to your existing home Wi-Fi network, you need to apply your home Wi-Fi settings to DS3801W. You can do this in two ways (depending on which type of Wi-Fi router you use): ‡ Automatically - if your Wi-Fi router is WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)enabled and supports PBC (Push Button Connection) (see ‘Scenario 1: Connect to a WPS router’ on page 13) ‡ Manually - if your Wi-Fi router does not support WPS (see ‘Scenario 2: Connect to a non-WPS router’ on page 14) Once connected successfully, DS3801W will remember your home Wi-Fi settings. Then you can enjoy AirPlay whenever DS3801W is powered on and connected to your home WiFi network automatically. WPS 2 Shortly after step 1, press Wi-Fi SETUP on the back of DS3801W. » The Wi-Fi SETUP indicator blinks red, yellow and green alternately. » Within 2 minutes, the WI-FI SETUP indicator stops blinking and stays green, and the unit beeps. EN 13 English » DS3801W is connected to your home Wi-Fi network successfully. To connect DS3801W to a Wi-Fi router manually, you need access to DS3801W’s EXLOWLQ FRQÀJXUDWLRQ ZHE SDJH IRU FKDQJH RI its internal Wi-Fi settings. To do so, you need a Wi-Fi enabled device with an Internet browser for temporary Wi-Fi connection to DS3801W. The Wi-Fi enabled device can be an iPod touch/ iPhone/iPad or a Wi-Fi enabled PC/Mac. Follow the sequence below for connection of DS3801W to a non-WPS Wi-Fi router. 1 Collect settings of your home Wi-Fi router and write down on paper for use during DS3801W Wi-Fi setup (see ‘Collect settings of your home Wi-Fi router’ on page 15). Switch DS3801W to Assisted Wi-Fi Setup mode (see ‘Switch DS3801W to Assisted Wi-Fi Setup mode’ on page 15). » A new Wi-Fi network created by DS3801W will appear, with the network name (SSID) of Philips Fidelio AirPlay. Connect your Wi-Fi enabled device to the created new Wi-Fi network temporarily (see ‘Connect your Wi-Fi enabled device to the newly created Wi-Fi network’ on page 16). Open the built-in web page of DS3801W with the Internet Browser of your Wi-Fi enabled device (see ‘Open the built-in web page of DS3801W’ on page 17). Change the internal Wi-Fi settings of DS3801W based on the settings you wrote on paper at step 1 (see ‘Change the internal Wi-Fi settings of DS3801W’ on page 18). [. . . ] No power ‡ Make sure that the AC power plug of the device is connected properly. Set up the network again if needed (see ‘Connect to your home Wi-Fi network for AirPlay’ on page 13). No response from the unit ‡ Press and hold both the + and - buttons on DS3801W for more than 5 seconds to reset the device. Then set up the Wi-Fi network for DS3801W again (see ‘Connect to your home Wi-Fi network for AirPlay’ on page 13). [. . . ]